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Certificates B1 & B2

Our school wishes to provide our students with as many strategies as possible to have a bright future. Some of them want to share their experience and encourage other students to take the test and leave Can Peixauet with an official English certificate. In our first attempt 22 students were suggested to take the B1 test and they all passed with excellent marks. We were all very proud of them and wanted to share the experience for future students willing to follow suit. Here are some of them.

Pau Hernández

1r Batxillerat - 2015

Some people think that doing the B1 exam is a hard thing but it isn’t. In fact, I was scared at first time but when I was doing the exam, I realised that I could handle it very well.


The most difficult thing about this test is the oral part. First of all, I usually get nervous when I’m talking in other languages. So, when we started the oral, I was so nervous that my entire body was shivering. I thought that maybe I wouldn’t be able to finish the exam because of that.


But finally, we all managed to pass the exam so our teacher was very proud of us. I think that all the students need to do this exam to show them that english is easy!

Eric Rosa

1r Batxillerat - 2015

As you might already know, this year we had the opportunity to get the B1 certificate. Even though the mock exam managed to worry us and some of us were a bit frightened at first, we understood that the exam wasn’t that hard as soon as we had it in our hands.


I remember the moment when they gave it to me: I checked all the questions and some of the possible answers. I smiled, because it was a lot easier than what I expected it to be. I looked at my friend Adri, expecting him to have the same reaction. I was right. We stared at each other, smiling, and then we started answering. We had to do every part of the exam in a specific amount of time, and I had enough time left for answering another parts and looking at the people around me. Some seemed to be a lot focused, another seemed to be just like me. Some of the questions that the older people made clearly showed that a long time passed since the last time they were on an exam. I am quite sure that if the teacher had told them that they had to shout the correct answer of every question, they would have done it without doubting. All in all, I had a great time, and I felt very confident.


Some days later, we had to go again to the EOI, to do the oral exam in pairs. I did it with Adri. Some hours before the exam, Adri and I were talking about possible things to say, but at the end we decided that we would try to improvise, and do it more spontaneously. It went so well that the examiner told us to leave even before finishing.


In conclusion, it was great to have the chance of getting an official ceritificate, and we all passed it. Everybody that can have it should give it a try!


Adrian Sánchez

1r Batxillerat - 2015

When I was about to enter the building of the 'EOI', I can assure you I was the most nervous person of Earth. My hands were shacking. I hadn't done an official exam or anything like that before. Moreover, the fact that my parents had spent seventy euros so that I could do the exam gave me more pressure. When I went into the room, the examiner was standing in front of a blackboard. When we all were inside, he began explaining us the things we needed to know to do the exam. As soon as he said so, I started doing the exam, and I noticed that it was way more easy than I imagined. I finished the first part of the exam and I felt very confident. The second part was the writing test and I when I came out of that test, I said to my friends: “Folks, I think I nailed it!”. A week later, we did the oral test, and I didn't felt very well about it because I had only practised oral English before twice. After the test I felt good vibrations, but during it I was very nervous and I felt like wordscouldn't come out of my mouth.


Fortunately, I didn't as bad as I thought, and I passed the test. Now I'm very happy that I can tell my parents that their seventy euros inversion has brought me some benefits.

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